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Country : Italy
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View photos of Rome from my collection
Photos contributed by -  Sumesh Sukumar  
Attractions compiled by -  Deepa K  
[Total Images   -   15]  [Last updated   -   December 12 2012]
View photos of Venice from my collection
Photos contributed by -  Sumesh Sukumar  
Attractions compiled by -  Deepa K  
[Total Images   -   15]  [Last updated   -   December 12 2012]
# Local attractionsCityComments about the attractionRating (x/5)External link
1 Capitoline MuseumsRomeImpressive Museum4.5Link
2 Piazza NavonaRomeThe new plaza3.5Link
3 Pantheon RomeRoman temple4Link
4 ColosseumRomeSite of deadly galdiatoral combats4.5Link
5 Roman ForumRomePast political centre4Link
6 PalatineRomeHill where Roman aristocracy lived 4Link
7 Trajan's MarketsRomeOld complex of shops and offices3Link
8 Spanish StepsRome Lavish steps from church to piazza do spagna. Next to it is: memorial house where John Keats died4Link
9 Trevi FountainRomeRome's largest and most famous fountain4Link
10 Museo e galleria BorgheseRomeSculpture collection in the villa including rape of proserpine4.5Link
11 Saint Mark's BasilicaVeniceOne of europe's greatest buildings4.5Link
12 Doge's PlaceVenicePast official residence of venetian rulers4.5Link
13 AccademiaVeniceCollections of paintings4Link
14 Peggy Guggenheim collectionVeniceModern art collection4Link
15 Ponte di RialtoVeniceWas once the only link between two banks of Canal Grande4Link
16 San Sebastiano VenicePaolo Veronese's Tomb is inside this church4Link
17 Museo CorrerVeniceDepicts art and Venetian history4Link
18 Ponte dei SaspiriVeniceBridge to the old and new prison3.5Link

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