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View photos of Amsterdam from my collection
Photos contributed by -  Sumesh Sukumar  
Attractions compiled by -  Deepa K  
[Total Images   -   15]  [Last updated   -   November 3 2015]
# Local attractionsCityComments about the attractionRating (x/5)External link
1 Oude KerkAmsterdamAmsterdam’s oldest building and oldest parish church, Death of Virgin Mary stained glass windows3.5Link
2 Niewwe KerkAmsterdam15th-century church in Amsterdam3.5Link
3 Koninklijk PaleisAmsterdamRoyal Palace of Amsterdam. Full magnificence appreciated in the Burgerzall/Citizen's Hall4Link
4 Anne Frank HuisAmsterdamHistoric house and biographical museum dedicated to Jewish wartime diarist Anne Frank, who hid here before been arrested by Nazis4Link
5 Museum Het RembrandthuisAmsterdamPainter Rembrandt lived and worked in the house between 1639 and 16564Link
6 Red Light DistrictAmsterdamKnown locally as de Walletjes/The Little Walls4Link
7 Amsterdams Historisch MuseumAmsterdamMuseum about the history of Amsterdam. Maid of Amsterdam, The Anatomy lesson of Dr Jan Deijman4Link
8 Golden bendAmsterdamOne of the most upscale neighbourhoods, located along canal, along section of Herengracht between Leidestraat and Vijzelstraat, Building 412, 4753.5Link
9 RijksmuseumAmsterdamUnrivalled collection of Dutch artThe kitchen maid, Woman at her toilet, the night watch, The jewish bride4.5Link
10 Van Gogh MuseumAmsterdamWorld's largest collection of Van Gogh paintings. Almond blossoms, Sunflowers, Bedroom4.5Link
11 Stedelijk MuseumAmsterdamMuseum for modern art, contemporary art, and design. Picasso, Matisse, Chagalle, Monet4Link
12 Hermitage MuseumAmsterdamBranch museum of the Hermitage Museum of Saint Petersburg, Russia4Link

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