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District / State : Maine
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View photos of the State of Maine from my collection
Photos contributed by -  Sumesh Sukumar  
Attractions compiled by -  Resmi P  
[Total Images   -   15]  [Last updated   -   July 10 2011]
          The largest state in New England, Maine is truly the Great Outdoors. It is known for its rocky coastline; low rolling mountains; heavily forested interior and picturesque waterways. Its seafood cuisines especially lobsters and clams are well renowned.
# Local attractionsCityComments about the attractionRating (x/5)External link
1 Portland's Museum of ArtPortlandDispalys work by Winslow Holmer as well as European Masters like Gauggin and Picasso3Link
2 Victoria MansionPortlandFinest example of residential deign from the Pre Civil war America3Link
3 Cadillac MountainAcadia National ParkHighest point on Atlantic coast with fantastic sunrise and sunset views4Link
4 Park Loop RoadAcadia National Park27 mile Road that climbs and dips with the pink granite mountains of the east coast4Link
5 Thunder HoleAcadia National Parkone place in the country where mountains actually touch the sea.4Link
6 Bethel Outdoor adventureBethelOffers canoeing, kayaking, biking, snow mobiling and camping3.5Link

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