- "Freedom is never given free, It is gained by proving your independence" : Sumesh Sukumar -
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My Dreams.

I feel - Above all causes that needs to be defended there is humanity that should be preserved. Even truth, integrity and every other human virtue falls second to it.

We all start from where we stand. Success is just a measure of how much we dreamt and of which how much we achieved. The difference between just a dream and a dream turned to achievement is the right amount of work that bridge between them. Dedication and discipline are not easy things to assimilate. Like Hemingway said "You pay some way for everything that was any good".

Always be a dreamer and dream well because dreams become ideas, ideas turn into actions, actions bring changes. If your dreams are right then changes will be for good. Like please and thank you keeps society run smooth, hopes and dreams makes each life worth living.

 Page content last updated :    Aug 2004   

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" A pretty face may be enough to catch a man, but it takes character and good nature to hold him. "  -   Saint Thomas More

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