- "Freedom is never given free, It is gained by proving your independence" : Sumesh Sukumar -
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My Friends.

"We shall be friends as long as we both shall strive to be friends" - is an enlightening comment that a friend once wrote in my autograph.

Every relation needs something in common to strive even though it might have bubbled from pure diversity. You don’t always agree to all what your friend say or do. But you always appreciate them for their good qualities and what they have done for you. Over time people may change, still you have those good memories that reminds of an enchanting bygone era.

Life is a lavish game of insane moments and coincidences. A cheerful life is about celebrating what you have when you have it, as well as punching those lush instances in memory for future revels. It’s those precious nodes that one has to revisit to know the value of a past relationship.

Friendships are testimonials of the wonderful life one shared and it is worth every bit despite of all the struggles one has to go through to keep the link alive.

 Page content last updated :    Aug 2004   

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" Remember, Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies. "  -   Stephen King

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