- "Freedom is never given free, It is gained by proving your independence" : Sumesh Sukumar -
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The Writer.

Whether it be from G.B. Shaw, William Shakespeare, Alexander Dumas, Garcia Marquez, Leo Tolstoy, Samuel Clemens, Rabindranath Tagore or S. K. Pottekkatt; I always wondered how words when knit together in some undocumented sequence can make brain tinkle, heart sob and rain magic. Very few will be sampled by time to be preserved. Growing to greatness is contributing a sample of our intellect for the coming generations to light the time we lived in.

The only thing I believe I know better than any one else is about me and the world I saw through my eyes. That is what I usually write, depicting them mostly with truth and some fantasy. Knowledge in itself is also an addictive; it will liberate you from every thing else except from itself. Eccentricity or what I call as floating stage is a small band with limited options to maneuvers between sanity and insanity.

To be ordinary is much more fun giving you elaborate choices with a down side that you will never be able to measure the extremes. If I was to choose I will go with ordinary and lead a life of fun and happiness. But some times creativity builds up inside you asking for its own liberation. For me writing is rather a compelling experience than a choice.

 Page content last updated :    Aug 2004   

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" Remember, Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies. "  -   Stephen King

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