- "Freedom is never given free, It is gained by proving your independence" : Sumesh Sukumar -
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Roll mouse over the Canadian map and click on any interested province or just click the province’s name on the left menu to view local images.
CanadaMap NovaScotia NewBrunswick NewfoundlandAndLabrador Quebec Images Ontario Images Manitoba Images Saskatchewan Images Alberta Images British Columbia Images

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9 out of all 10 Canadian provinces published - Latest albums added to this collection was on Jan 2011
Keynote from the photographer on this collection

It might be the welcome mist Niagara Falls showered upon me as I drove over the rainbow bridge to Canada, that I felt the land had formed a bond of friendship with me. Couple of years later, I moved to Canada with the intent of making it my second home. Throughout my years of stay, I was fascinated by the land’s unbelievable natural beauty and the population’s deep cultural diversity.

During my earlier days in Canada, I was privileged with the opportunity to travel across its breadth from the eastern sea port of St. Johns, Newfoundland to the western frontier of Vancouver, British Columbia. The travel was not all in one stretch but in segments using different modes of transportation - planes, trains, buses and cars.

The Signal Hill and Cape Spear Light house in Newfoundland; The Cobot Trail and Halifax Citadel in Nova Scotia; The low and high tides at Hopewell Rocks in New Brunswick; The amazing Quebec City and lively Montreal in Quebec; Worlds wonder - Niagara Falls and the enterprising city of Toronto in Ontario; The Forks of Winnipeg in Manitoba; The prairies in Saskatchewan; The Rockies in Alberta are all breathtaking Canadian vistas. And once you are in Vancouver, British Columbia - thinking you have done it all, the islands of Victoria comes as a great surprise.

It took me over three years to capture and compile this collection, whereas it might take you approximately 30 minutes to view it all. If you want to see the entire Canadian photo collection in one shot – I recommend you use the ‘View all listed Canadian Photos’ hyperlink. I share this collection to drive home the ethos that we should appreciate the diversity in our world and be inspired by the veriety it offers.

You may use the 'Post comments' button to share your honest comments. If you think someone in particular would like this work, forward the webpage URL by clicking the ‘Email link’ hypertext. You can also spread this content among your friends by using the social sharing buttons. If you would like to be notified when new contents are uploaded, please go through the subscription process. Thank you and enjoy !
Sumesh Sukumar Jan 2011
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Read what others have said about this work.  
[Ontario] - Unbelievable ! Dinesh
[Ontario] - Thank you for reporting the link issues Joji. Its fixed now. Sumesh
[Canada Through My Camera] - Hi Sumesh, Good to see you come up with nice stuff. Welcome back to the creative world. Excellent! Chitti
[New Brunswick] - kidilan...nice photos .....keep on sharing more.... Shin Anto
[Ontario] - All links lead u to the same page . Joji