- "Freedom is never given free, It is gained by proving your independence" : Sumesh Sukumar -
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Page content last updated : 
Apr 2010   

                Latest notifications
1. Europe collection updated - Photos of 5 new countries added to the collection.
2. Quotes section added – Interesting quotes from famous and infamous personalities released for viewing and commenting.
3. Technical Article added - [An introduction to TOGAF] released to public for reading and commenting.
4. Museum's collection updated - Holds atleast 10 out of the world's top 15 Art Museums.
5. American collection updated - Photos of US states now include 49 out of 50 states.
                5 best rated works
                IP and copyrights
                Key website info
                Coming soon .....
                  A photo moment
                  Thought for the day

" The real man smiles in trouble, gathers strength from distress, and grows brave by reflection. "  -   Thomas Paine

* If you didn’t like the quote above or need to see more quotes or just want to read my keynote on this section, please click here.

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