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A quote about Kappad Beach
Let the charm of Kappad remain a secret among the few who love the beaches and the seas.
– Anonymous

  Site Disclosure

We had the opportunity to travel around India and to visit many foreign countries. One big challenge we always faced during our trips was finding affordable, accessible and reliable housing at our destinations. As an effort to mitigate such constraints for people visiting our home town, we started Liberty House by providing quality accommodation.

Liberty House has been made affordable to all by providing a range of accommodation and services that are catered keeping in mind families, couples, honeymooners, artists and backpackers. One of the key measure of our sucess is customer satisfaction. To achieve that, we try to set the right expectations by giving our guests a chance to feel Liberty House through access to relevent informations, diagrams and images on our website.

Even though we have incorporated most of the facilities of a resort in terms of location and privacy, we have retained the culture of homestay to provide our guests a unique experiential value at half the typical cost. Sometimes we are overwhelmed by general constraints inherent to a developing nation but we have challenged ourselves constantly to improve our standards on reliability so that our guests can enjoy the charm of their beach vacation without interruption.

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